Have you ever heard of reverse osmosis water? Most consumers will be completely unfamiliar with this term. At the same time, osmosis water offers additional security to all those who attach particular importance to the purity of their drinking water because water obtained with the help of reverse osmosis is considered particularly pure.
But how does drinking water treatment by osmosis ensure that the water is clean? This blog post will find the answer and the many benefits that reverse osmosis water offers.
What do osmosis and reverse osmosis mean?

First of all, let’s look at how filtering with the help of reverse osmosis works and what is behind it. The term osmosis comes from the natural sciences and describes the flow of a liquid such as water through a semi-permeable membrane into a more concentrated liquid of the same type. In reverse osmosis, the process is simply converted by forcing a liquid under high pressure through an extremely fine-pored separating layer and being cleaned of the smallest particles.
Is osmosis water drinkable?
Osmosis water can therefore be drunk without hesitation or used to prepare food. The missing minerals do not harm the body’s supply of important substances like calcium or magnesium. These can only be found in extremely low concentrations in normal mineral or tap water.
The vital minerals are instead ingested with the other food. Claims that reverse osmosis water is unhealthy or even deprives the body of minerals are not scientifically proven.
According to the perception of many consumers, the lack of foreign substances leads to improved enjoyment because a softer taste is often attributed to osmosis water.
Sustainability of osmosis water
In addition to the soft taste and purity, reverse osmosis water offers another decisive advantage: The environmentally friendly way to quench your thirst. Because compared to other types of water, the water requirement for its production is extremely low.
Under optimal conditions, one liter of pure osmosis water can be obtained from four liters of starting water. Due to different conditions, water pressures, and temperatures. About three liters of water remain, which contains the remaining substances.
At a ratio of 1-to-3, this production method might seem ecologically questionable to some. However, the osmosis drinking water treatment does not need to shy away from comparison. For example, if you buy your water in returnable glass bottles, water must also be used to clean them afterward. In addition, there are the ecological effects of producing and transporting the water, which you must also take into account.
The balance sheet is even worse for disposable plastic bottles, produced with much water and chemicals and are destroyed after a single-use. In contrast, osmosis water represents an environmentally friendly option for you, with which you can safely quench your thirst.
How to enjoy osmosis water?
If you would like to produce osmosis water yourself from your tap water, you can install an appropriate osmosis system on your sink. You can then easily tap off the cleaned water via the associated tap.
However, there is an alternative that is as simple as cheap. If you want to do without purchasing and installing the necessary system, you don’t have to do without the osmosis water.
The Water Treatment Lab makes it possible. This is also based on reverse osmosis and reliably supplies you with pure water. The osmosis water filters used in water production ensure clean water at a level of purity that meets the highest quality standards. In this way, Water treatment lab are recycled many times over, and the transport routes of the bottles are optimized.